- The RailWorld Multiplayer/MMO Train Simulator : Engine, client and custom server programmed by Cyrus from "scratch" in C/C++ on top of DirectX 9 SDK. Artwork and design created by Cyrus. Engine was designed to work on "low-end" PCs to maximize market penetration. All advanced visual effects work on Intel's Centrino with fixed function graphics cards (pixel shading capability is not required). Frame rate is at or near 30 FPS for these minimum spec PCs. "I pulled out every trick in my book of experience to make this look similar to high-end, pixel shaded technology"
- DesignSense - Real-Time 3D Room and House Designer : Engine, client and custom flash server programmed by Cyrus from "scratch" in Actionscript3 for Flash 9. Artwork and design created by Cyrus.
- PHP and SQL Database Programming : UI generation, trend analysis, forms processing
Unreal Kismet Scripting and Game Design: Prototyping gameplay - script enemy AI, Non-player Characters, gameplay logic, in-game cinemas, level layout, and audio. I created this prototype as a way to help the team through issues with the game design process (Game designers claimed that the Unreal engine prevented them from developing quality game play - As studio management, I wanted to see if they were right, so I decided to create a game in Unreal myself.) - In this prototype, I did development of a primary game mechnic, base level building, AI scripting with AI mesh path layout, Squad AI scripted and automatic behavior, enemy AI behavior and staging, addition of audio and visual cues to help guide the player through the mission, and iteration of the gameplay through "blind" playtesting until solid and understandable game play was achieved. In problem-solving the game designer's issue, I believed the problem was in the process and not the technology.
- 3DStudio MAX Maxscript : scripted procedurally created models, importers, exporters, UV tools, animation importer/processor
- Maya MELscript : Vertex skinning and weighting tools, animation and skeleton exporter to 3D Studio MAX
- Device Drivers for Windows XP : Device driver created to handle on-the-fly decryption of data files for software copy protection - very small and light-weight. This allowed me to place copy protection on software products that did not initially support content copy-protection (i.e. Microsoft Train Simulator, and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004).